A good friend recently shared with me the motto that we are "the average of the five people we spend the most time with". Businessman Jim Rohn coined the motivational phrase in the 1970's and used it to inspire speaker Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield (creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul) just to name a couple of his early disciples.
Rohn is telling us to pursue the people that inspire us! Surround ourselves with the people that have what we want! If we do, maybe a little bit will rub off on us.
He's also warning us against the people that bring us down.
For me - I've had GREAT friends in this life and I've had friends that have brought me WAY DOWN lower than I even knew was possible. I've also learned so much from the people that have inspired me from afar Malala Yousafzai and Michelle Obama (just to name two) while I've had to turn my back on celebrities like Lindsay Lohan that don't seem to be doing the right thing.
Since this motto was created the world has gotten much smaller - the internet is in all (or most) of our homes and the people we identify as having a large role in our life has changed as well. We are now both an average of the people in our everyday lives (our friends and family) AND of the community at large. I challenge anyone that reads this BLOG POST to e-mail this post to 5 people that are positive in their life or inspire them to be the BEST "Average" them they can be. They can be a regular person or a celebrity.