Monday, October 7, 2013

Tips to Recharge Your Emotional Batteries

Putting our lives back together often makes us feel emotionally and physically drained.  We wake in the morning and do the same thing each day and often feel as though we are getting nowhere.  We will eventually find results in our tireless efforts, so to keep us going on our pursuit towards a better life I propose these "Tip to Recharge Your Emotional Batteries."  I've come up with three that have effectively helped me throughout this process - if you have any other ideas comment on this post. 

1) Increase Psychic Energy with a Trip to NYC
I can remember feeling emotionally drained as an early 20-something and driving down to the Sayville Train Station and sitting there in my car, watching the trains go by.  It relieved much of my sadness because I would think of all of the possibilities and opportunities that NYC has to offer and how I would one day be a part of all of that hustle and bustle.
Though, it isn't just me that finds NYC an apt place to regain composure.  In Susan Pa'iniu Floyd's essay, Psychic Energy she likens NYC's fast-paced chaos to a bottomless energy drink.  She says that psychic energy can be gathered in "any place with high activity or gatherings of people like train stations, concerts, movies, and crowded sidewalks. That's why, when I go to New York City, I can walk around town for days without getting tired." 
To make this concept work just walk around and feed off the positive energy of those around you.

2) Open a Box of Positivity
But first you have to fill it - with everything in the world that makes you happy or that you find lucky or energy generating.  Gather photos of loved ones, notes, ideas, poetry, stickers, a favorite sweater, a lucky rabbit foot.  Then design the outside of the box with magazine cutouts that convey to you positivity, love, light, moving forward and make sure to cutout or write yourself some inspirational words.  Then, whenever you're feeling drained pull out your box.  You will feel an instant kick of energy and happiness by looking at the things that make you happy and give you inspiration.  This technique is taught by parenting professionals to help parents help their children when they are feeling bored or sad.

3) Phone a Friend
The famous line from who wants to be a millionaire also has its bearings in our everyday existance.  You can and should phone a friend to help you through all of life's tough questions - and you should also phone a friend when you're feeling at the end of your rope.  Don't call the "negative nancy"-type of friend that makes you feel downer when your down already.  Call the friend that inspires you - incites you to do more.  I have so many wonderful friends in my life that I can call and it's such a wonderful thing and I know I should take advantage of it more.  If your friend lives far away, like a few of mine do then Skype them or send an e-mail.  Make sure that you are doing your best to inspire these people as much as they inspire you.  Because, just like in tip one - we really all feed off of each other.   

Don't forget about Mom! 

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