Monday, April 20, 2015

A Fashionable Commute in the Rain

The Kamik Jennifer
Islandia, NY - Fickle New York weather - the rain, the mist - those watery days -YUCK! Driving in it is ANNOYING....A Pain.  Walking, Riding a Bike, Taking a bus in inclement weather  - is nothing short of torture!
I've given up on arriving to work with soggy, smelly shoes on rainy days.  Procedure for Rain-soaked shoes is exhausting.  I have to take the soaking wet shoes off, put them near the heater and try to get them dry in time to leave work with dry shoes in my satchel, which NEVER happens. Its embarrassing and inappropriate. Why inappropriate? Because I walk around my office barefoot, quickly galloping from desk to heater hoping not to be seen - but those who gallop are ALWAYS seen.
It takes shoes any type of shoes a LONG time to dry. SO something in shoes holds liquid. I once wore a pair of Sperrys in the rain...they were water-logged for almost a month -TRUE STORY.

One of my favorite quotes from Forest Gump, when Gump and Bubba meet Lieutenant Dan, the Lieutenant explains "There's one item of GI gear that can be the difference between a live grunt and a dead grunt - socks....I want you boys to remember to change your socks whenever we stop."
So, keeping your FEET dry (shoes, socks and all) seems to be pretty important.  Live or death, even.
Fashionable online pic
So I've had enough of that. As a Suburban BusRider Commuter, I've finally made the decision to invest in a GOOD pair of rain boots.
Well, that took some twisting of the Arm...I originally wanted a pair of $16.99 Jelly-booties that would barely do the job, but my boss convinced me that spending an extra $20 might bring me more comfort and YEARS of more use.  She introduced me to ZAPPOS (free shipping free returns)

What's even more appealing about the shoes on Zappos is that they each come with a video, detailing what the boot looks like on and some of the features of the boot.  Its a REAL TREAT.  Check it out.

Pic found online more summer pics to come
Well, I found the boot that I think is PERFECT for me.  It meets several requirements: being purple, a tall boot, and chic.  I'm really in LOVE actually and they're expected for delivery in just a couple of days.  I spent an extra $20 on top of the $20 my boss suggested bringing the total to around $68.95.

The name of the boot is the Kamik Jennifer.  Its pictured above. I'll let you know how it turns out in a few days.
More importantly, I'll need to let you know what Suburban Commuting Fashion in the Rain with chic Kamik Jennifer Rain boots looks like as well. So stay posted.  Xoxoxoxo

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