A high school in Canton, Michigan recently held a ceremony to induct some of its brightest students into the National Honor Society. One student (whose identity remains a mystery to us thus far) was chosen to represent his class by delivering a speech that turned out to be so touching, moving, and poignant that I've written this post to share the information with you. This speech was simple - not at all complicated in its message and yet it is so true that we have no choice but to accept its message and pay it forward. Spread the word!
This message was passed on by a father who attended the ceremony who called his sister in New York (who is my friend) who told me. Quite a game of telephone tag! However the POINT hasnt been lost in translation.
The message is:
Keeping up on your studies is important. Having a good academic record will help you along in life but more important is your involvement in other activities. How do you stay involved in your community? Are you an active participant in your life and community?
We all have great ideas that we believe could change the world. We have ideas to help society or to help ourselves get rich or to help our friends become successful. These great thoughts translate into the words that we speak. "I'm going to cure cancer" and "I'm going to make a million dollars" and "I'm going to make a difference" we say.
Once we get the idea and we say the words - we need to walk the walk. We need to show we are serious by the actions we take. "I'm going to make a million dollars but first I need a good job that pays that type of money."
The actions we take are what builds our character. If we do nothing we've said we are going to do then we are bullshiters. If we do make that million dollars by working our way to the top then we are strong characters with great work ethic.
Our character is what will create our legacy. Our character will be what we are known by to our children and grandchildren. "You got your great work ethic from your grandpa Fred" they will say.
To my friend that passed this speech along to me the message is "to be all that you can be". I agree. I think the message is that we should strive to be known by the good things we do. Our intellegence needs to be put to good use. Or even more so, our intellence needs to be used - it needs to be acted upon.
This mystery student in Michigan likely didn't realize his ideas would be pondered all the way here in New York. I hope he takes the wonderful words he used that day and acts upon them to create a character and legacy to fit a true visionary - which through the right actions he will surely become.
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