Thursday, April 30, 2015

Is it the Prepared Bird that Catches the Worm?

K. Klahn Reporter/Sales
Bayport, NY - If an early bird isn't prepared, they can't expect to catch any worms.  It's true - you can be 15 minutes early to a meeting but forgot the Power Point Presentation at home!

I've recently been reminded of the importance of "prepping" for an interview in my job as a freelance reporter and recognized that it's something I can apply to my 9 to 5 job as a Sales Person as well.

As a Sales Person I am often contacting the same person; at this point the person has become my perspective client and I have written a series of notes on them that I've cataloged (when they are at work/lunch; what products they use; what their husband's name is depending on how well you've gotten to know them it can be very special information).  In a sense, this is a person that I am repeatedly trying to interview (if only they would always come to the phone).

In reporting, there is an Absolute importance placed on "Being Prepared" for interviews; this is not just "knowing what you are going to say". Prepping also entails knowing exactly Who you are talking to and Why you are talking to them. Also, the reporter needs to coordinate When they will be speaking and How that interaction will be taking place (via the phone, in person or through e-mail). A reporter will always Read Up on their Interviewee and find out what that person has been up to - this will also give the article Fresh Perspective. 

"Prepping" is as important as our interview because reporters are often dealing with Very Busy People with Very Busy Schedules. Wasting time is not an option; being unprepared will make the reporter, editor and Paper look silly - which is not ok.

Well if I've learned anything in my past year and a half in sales its that EVERY SECOND we have on the phone with a perspective client needs to be spent diligently.  This means that homework needs to be done the same Fresh Perspective needs to be sought on perspective clients. Also, recognizing that in sales our clients are Very Busy People with Very Busy Schedules may give us insight into scheduling phone or interface time with them.

Knowing that much more about our prospects can make a big difference and the only way to do that is by doing the "Prep Work"

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Macaroons in Paris and NYC

Lauduree Soho
Paris, France - Paris is remarkable on so many levels.  I love the "River that Runs Through It" - the River Seine, which divides the city up into little arrondissements each so different: artsy, quirky, posh, fashionable - and yet all of the arrondissements are delightfully French.
Twas nearly a decade ago that my college BFF Mary and I wandered around an arrondissement somewhere near the Champ Elysee and found "Lauduree".  We walked in and plopped down onto our individual purple velvet chairs, we were probably tired from an afternoon of walking on Paris's old cobble streets - its very hard on your feet.
We were told by the waiter that "Lauduree" is the most famous maker of the French Macaroon and while they have other foods to eat, we MUST try at least one macaroon.
The theory Mary and I had for ordering food in Paris: "Let us Eat Cake." We really stocked up on sweets and ignored the country's other culinary possibilities.
We had a couple of cups of tea, cafe au lait and warm croissants brought to the table. I'd never had a macaroon and neither had Mary so we ordered an entire garden of fresh French macaroons of every color, flavor and smell.
Just like the scene in Alice and Wonderland when Alice goes for one of those delightful looking cookies that say, "Eat Me", I dove in for a pink macaroon and felt the same sweet mouth watering anticipation that Alice had felt before she became bigger than a house.
Lauduree, Soho
"Delish," I thought.  It was a Rose-flavored macaroon. "Rose," I thought. "That's a flower?" But there, in Paris sitting on that purple velvet chair I learned that flowers are often used as flavoring in sweet treats as well as teas.
For me, the experience at "Lauduree" was transcending and resulted in love for floral-flavored foods. I picked up a purple macaroon, which was flavored with Lilac. Then an orange, which was orange blossom. Wow!
I was hooked.  But there was no where for me to get my fix.  The American palate wasn't ready to hear that flowers could be flavoring. Our Country had barely grown a taste for Nutella (and that's chocolate hazelnut), At the time, it was only sold in specialty stores or smuggled in by college students studying abroad in Italy.
So, I learned to live without it. Savoring the rarities when a tea house would serve "rose-flavored" tea or the time when I bought Orange Blossom scented cologne.  Of course, there were the trips back to Europe where I'd order lavender iced cream and jasmine cookies.
Then I found out that a "Lauduree" opened in NYC. I hadn't had an opportunity to visit until this past weekend.  The "Lauduree" in NYC became a popular place and it looks exactly like the one in Paris.
Its funny how NYC can be like tofu and take on the taste of other cities so easily (because all of the ingredients for NYC are International).
Little Italy, China Town and now Lauduree in Soho and up near Central Park.
It is not the River Seine that splits NYC into its different flavors - we are surrounded by water instead.  Its all of the cultures themselves that make  NYC into what it is - delightfully New York.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Abercrombie, of Brains and Braun

NY, NY - Abercrombie and Fitch has finally decided to show that the company has both looks and the substance to make them more than just "another pretty face".
Under new leadership the company announced that it would change its decades-old job description from "model" to the more appropriate
Ahhhh - the Abercrombie store "model" brings memories of my middle school years, feeling too fat and unpretty to ever go inside the dimly-lit store. Quite honestly I'm not sure how the "model" plan ever worked for the company; not only would there be flawless-scantily clad sales people inside the store but outside also a teenage boy without a shirt and a teenage girl outside (both without acne).
They would act as guards (Atleast in my mind) and scare off the unworthy with a welcoming smile.
Maybe teens now are feeling the sentiment I did because sales have gone down 39% over the past 12 months. The company's leaders see the downfall of the 123-year-old company and are making major changes in addition to "letting employees dress in a more individualistic way" according to the Wall Street  Journal.
On my grandfather's deathbed, he told me the story of the one time he and his father traveled into nyc. His father bought him a jacket, from Abercrombie and Fitch. Back then there weren't sexy hot girls in bathing suits selling jackets and yet they sold and my grandfather bought one.
Abercrombie since 1892...rely more on your history and experience and quit being a teenage girl.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Get Organized with Priority Shapes

Priority Shapes
Bayport, NY - We all have priorities in life.  Priorities are what provide us with direction and the determination and motivation to achieve our goals.
For me, when I'm at my busiest, I lose focus on my life's priorities. I become small minded; focused on the task at hand - the day or moment I'm in; and the big picture just becomes scrambled eggs.
I have a good friend that is also super, super busy right now.
Yet, when I spoke with this friend recently, she had a calmness about her.
In the midst of her Buzz she had called ME; She had just come from grocery shopping for her organic,health foods; She had closed a few major deals that she had been working on.
In other words, she had not lost focus of her life's priorities. She made sure to be in contact with close friends; her health had remained important; and she was focused enough at work to close deals and meet her sales targets.
For some reason, I always believed that a "TO DO" list would bring me success.  I thought, "all I have to do is check off a couple of things I've done for today (my homework, clean my room, pay a bill) and eventually I will arrive at my goal."
Though, the structure of a "To Do" actually makes you feel like crap if you don't get something done. (Picture allllllll those boxes that still aren't checked off.)
PLUS, where does a "TO DO" list lead? What is it's Goal? Getting the day's work done! And that's great because we all need to go grocery shopping and do our laundry and make sure to sign our children up for swimming lessons. But we also need a map (not a list of the bigger picture.)

Whenever I find myself Soooooo busy that I have literally no time to Sleep (we've ALL been there, c'mon), I have to take a look at my Priority Shapes and see what I know is important to me; what isn't; what I see for myself and my child in the future and what I know is toxic for me.

So what are Priority Shapes? As I explained before,they are the coping mechanism I created to stay on target when my life was out of control. I was moving in every direction but Forward.

How it works is each shape represents a priority or non-priority in your life.

You can get out a piece of paper and literally draw the shapes on the same page or each on a separate page - Just make sure that the finished product is something you can look at every day or whenever you need it.

In my example I drew a BIG HEART in the center of the page.

HEART: These are absolute priorities. They take precedence over ANYTHING else; our Heart comes first. Think of our Heart as the literal heart beating in our body - make sure you are checking up on these priorities and make sure they are constantly moving forward. For me, Heart Priorities include: Annabella; being a mom; my family; my close friends; my spirituality; my job - selling goals; my blog - expanding writing ideas; yoga, health; my book (Eggbert).

CIRCLE: The circle represents the people that are most important to us. For me, my daughter is the CENTER of the circle. I know who is in the circle - Its a small, positive group: My family; My BEST friends. I also choose to honor family who have passed in this group and I think of people I look up to. These are the only people that can take up space in my mind and these are the people that I have personally required myself to make an effort to see.

SQUARE: These are Back Burner items. Second to your priorities yet STILL important. I tend to want to get involved in everything but guess what?  You can't!  You need to Prioritize. Put your future projects in the square. The square also holds some of the other groups and people that you would like to get involved with if you had more time.

DIAMOND: The Diamond is all that we Aspire to be and to have. In the diamond, put the names of people who inspire you. The Diamond also serves as a place for us to store our Long Term Goals (the goals that seem so unattainable that we've currently labeled them  hopeless). The Diamond gives us a Flawless, Clear look into the Future and what we want it to be.  Our future is a Clean slate

STOP SIGN (Octogon): Stay Away! Stop - Heed!  Don't Go There because you know it Always leads to misery; That's what the Stop Sign represents: The People, Places, Things, Attitudes and Ideas that HOLD us back from victory.  Having Trouble? These are the people going nowhere in life, yet we still choose to hang out with. These are the websites and magazines that make us angry, they always scare us into thinking we're dying that the "world will end". Are you saving up for a home or something else big? Put the following items in the Stop Sign: Night Clubs, Tiki Bars, scratch off tickets, internet shopping and shoe shopping.  It may sting - but remove these things from your life and your Goals can be reached.

Rectangle: Perhaps the most important shape is the Rectangle.  This is our actual "To Do" list.  These are the things that we cannot forget to do. These are our daily MUSTS and they are different for everyone. So go ahead and list yours.  Make sure you are doing them everyday and you will reach your goals that much faster. They could be the laundry, showering, bathing your children, makeup,  putting your children to bed, your morning and evening commute to work , reading the news, staying in touch with your parent or visiting a loved one in a nursing home or another facility.
Me and the Center of My HEART and
CIRCLE, Annabella. 

I hope I've helped someone.  I know this helps me.  It's important to know that ALL of these shapes are connected.  The Circle, Heart, Rectangle and Stop Sign are NOW. The Diamond and Square are our future - but two very different types of future.

Good luck and please provide feedback if this helps.
Kat xoxoxoxo


Monday, April 20, 2015

A Fashionable Commute in the Rain

The Kamik Jennifer
Islandia, NY - Fickle New York weather - the rain, the mist - those watery days -YUCK! Driving in it is ANNOYING....A Pain.  Walking, Riding a Bike, Taking a bus in inclement weather  - is nothing short of torture!
I've given up on arriving to work with soggy, smelly shoes on rainy days.  Procedure for Rain-soaked shoes is exhausting.  I have to take the soaking wet shoes off, put them near the heater and try to get them dry in time to leave work with dry shoes in my satchel, which NEVER happens. Its embarrassing and inappropriate. Why inappropriate? Because I walk around my office barefoot, quickly galloping from desk to heater hoping not to be seen - but those who gallop are ALWAYS seen.
It takes shoes any type of shoes a LONG time to dry. SO something in shoes holds liquid. I once wore a pair of Sperrys in the rain...they were water-logged for almost a month -TRUE STORY.

One of my favorite quotes from Forest Gump, when Gump and Bubba meet Lieutenant Dan, the Lieutenant explains "There's one item of GI gear that can be the difference between a live grunt and a dead grunt - socks....I want you boys to remember to change your socks whenever we stop."
So, keeping your FEET dry (shoes, socks and all) seems to be pretty important.  Live or death, even.
Fashionable online pic
So I've had enough of that. As a Suburban BusRider Commuter, I've finally made the decision to invest in a GOOD pair of rain boots.
Well, that took some twisting of the Arm...I originally wanted a pair of $16.99 Jelly-booties that would barely do the job, but my boss convinced me that spending an extra $20 might bring me more comfort and YEARS of more use.  She introduced me to ZAPPOS (free shipping free returns)

What's even more appealing about the shoes on Zappos is that they each come with a video, detailing what the boot looks like on and some of the features of the boot.  Its a REAL TREAT.  Check it out.

Pic found online more summer pics to come
Well, I found the boot that I think is PERFECT for me.  It meets several requirements: being purple, a tall boot, and chic.  I'm really in LOVE actually and they're expected for delivery in just a couple of days.  I spent an extra $20 on top of the $20 my boss suggested bringing the total to around $68.95.

The name of the boot is the Kamik Jennifer.  Its pictured above. I'll let you know how it turns out in a few days.
More importantly, I'll need to let you know what Suburban Commuting Fashion in the Rain with chic Kamik Jennifer Rain boots looks like as well. So stay posted.  Xoxoxoxo

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Big Shot Big Shoes

Patchogue, NY - I remember the first time I saw the Billy Joel cover band "Big Shot". It was almost a decade ago and it was at Mulcahy's in Selden or Centereach - I can't really remember.  What I do remember is how popular the band was and how DRUNK and ROWDY the Entire crowd was.

Also, I couldn't stop thinking about how much the band's lead singer, Mike Del Guidice sounded like Billy Joel.

So, last night my friend Tara invited me to come out to go see Big Shot - how could I say no?

Things for both Billy and Big Shot have changed since then.  In the past year or two Billy Joel has agreed to play at Madison Square Garden once a month until the public no longer wants him (until he stops selling tickets). Currently, members of Joel's past and present band periodically play with Big Shot.

Even more fascinating, now Mike DelGuidice is a part of the band.  Can you believe that?  Mike DelGuidice really is a Big Shot!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Krystie's Shower - Simple Keys to the PERFECT English Tea Party Event

Bayport, NY - My sister, Krystie had the PERFECT English Tea Party Wedding Shower this weekend, complete with facinators and white gloves for all.  
First, it needs to be said that the party would not have been as amazing as it was Da-ling, if it weren't for my mother, Cindy and a group of my sister's best friends (The Ladies) who have been planning this event with crucial detail for months: Megan, Kathleen and Bridget. I give you girls (and Mummy) an English Curtsy - you are wonderful and without you this event would not have had the sophistication and class worthy of a Kate Middleton-stamp of approval. 
The event was held at Grey Horse Tavern with a basic buffet-style brunch/lunch.  Our party took up the entire restaurant because we actually held a "Bro-Shower"for my brother-in-law in another room of the restaurant.
It was AMAZING to see how many AMAZING people, both FAMILY and FRIENDS that my sister has in her life. My cousin Anthony and his wife Debbie traveled in from Greenwood Lake, NY; Roberta and Kirsten came in from NYC; and the Wilfong's came in from Maine. But that's not's our neighbors who show up time after time that really remind ME who true friends.   
The Cake was gorgeous and designed by my father's friend.  She did a beautiful white cake, flavored with coconut and pineapple. It was topped with a fondant tea cup - that was as gorgeous and delicate as the real thing.
Over the past few months Mummy has been visiting Country Junque, picking out gorgeous, delicate, flowery, or simple tea cups to give out as shower gifts. Mummy and the Ladies wrapped the tea cups in white tulle, to look like a vail and attached a quote by Mother Theresa. Guests also took home packages of "Thank you cards" made by Grandma Klahn. 
Guests were delighted by three-tiers of cookies including coconut macaroons, Napoleons and black and white cookies - but that's not all. It was the presentation of the cookies that really counted.  Bridget and her mom, Mary were amazing at paying attention to every detail. For the three-tiers of cookies they came up with the idea of using Marie Antoinette-Style decor, which gave the tea party a very decadent element. 

What I learned is, to pull off the PERFECT English Tea Party you MUST have:

1) Fascinators
2) Dainty Tea Cups
3) Cookies/Crumpets or Scones 
4) An Element of Decadence (for example: Marie Antoinette) 
5) Family, Friends and People who would like to be there
6) Etiquette (after all, this is a TRUE British Tea Party)
7) Tea (of Course) 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Be the View Now; Don't Find it 10 Years Later

I’ve been budgeting my time poorly this week – tisk, tisk, tisk on me! I have a huge event coming up this week and I want to do EVERYTHING.  Yet……it ALL can’t happen. 

What I’m looking forward to most at this event is spending some time with my grandmother and I plan on sitting right next to her and probably somewhere near my friend, Sue. 

Sue is my friend and my writing partner, she came over Wednesday for our weekly writing/editing session. However, we spent the ENTIRE time cutting and pasting for MY personal project.
We worked for two hours and chatted; she also told me a story that made us both cry.  The story involves the ways in which we choose to remember our loved ones: spritzing perfume, saving socks or a shirt, saving a voice mail. Some people like to pull out a photo.

But some photos come in very special cases. Does anybody remember the cone shaped key chains that magnify photos? They were big in the 60's 70's and 80's. You could find them at Splish Splash or any amusement park and especially on cruise ships.  They are square (four sides) with a glass hole for the picture in the middle.  They have a tab on outer side with a hole for a beaded tab - that's what allows you to use these "photo viewers" as key chains.
My friend Sue found out they are called photo viewers and even shared two photos with me. The first is a plain photo of the basic blue photo viewer. The second is of her Grandparents IN the photo viewer.  
Sue told me that when she misses her loved one, she takes out her viewfinder and looks and sees them there and it’s almost like they’re standing next to her. 
When I was a kid my Grandma would vacation on some sun-soaked island and bring back a bag full of stuff for my sister and I to keep: shampoos, conditioners, lotions and sprays - extras from luxury hotels but mostly printed with the words, “Hilton”; colorful necklaces with seashells or parrots, screen-printed tee-shirts, maybe a magnet or a keychain.  We EACH got one of those swag bags.
What we were forced to “split” was the “viewfinder”. Lots of “It’s my turn” could be heard on the car ride back from Franklin Square as tiny fingers grabbed.  The little head would dart in “this” and “that” direction as blinking lashes hit the eyehole, trying to get as close as possible to the image. 
Before Sue came for our session, I was on a mission which ended up being a complete waste…but not completely.
I strolled into one of Sayville’s Spiritual healing shops and I decide that I need a to breath in the patchouli-laden air. I walked through a sea of crystals of every color including two of my favorites moonstone, tiger’s eye. There were beautiful rosequartz shaped hearts, raw jagged amethyst, chunks of garnet and lapis lazuli.
 Then I neared a garden of little white-painted budha.  I thought of giving one to my grandma on Saturday because she LOVES BUDHA.   I picked him up and saw the price - $16.95 which is I believe is not what I wanted to spend on that item. 
I saw a necklace hanging it was red with an orange/yellow tint. I forget the name of the stone but I know that it’s a stone of protection.  It had two charms on it, a little white elephant and a silver knot. Aside from the main color scheme there are also a few  white then a foursome of multi-colored beads – I’m told those are all for protection and strength.
I plan to give this little gift to my grandma when I see her on Saturday.  Since I don’t have any more of my “viewfinders” I’m going to ask my grandmother for a couple of them. 
I’ve thought about it, when you are shutting your eyes and your mind and concentrating on just that little tiny photo in front of you I’ll bet that it feels like the person inside that viewfinder is right next to you.
Once again I’m reminded that I am very lucky that I don’t need a viewfinder to feel like my grandmother is here.  I plan to give her the necklace and have a great day.  The necklace will give her protection and strength for when she gets home. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter Bunny Fun

This Was the first year Annabella was able to really appreciate who the Easter Bunny is and what gifts he/she comes with.  She was really excited (I think pre-school was hyping her up).  My mom ordered about a dozen books about Easter two weeks before Easter Sunday and we read a book whenever we got a chance.  Annabella pretty much likes a unique story from Mommy to go to sleep to every night so we would read an Easter book and then its back to Mommy's story about "cupcakes" and "Abby".
I wanted to give everyone a look at Annabella's Easter Basket and the process of doing the eggs.  We just bought the little packets from the store.  Lots of fun!!