Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stop Nighttime Cravings: Suggestions, Solutions, Remedies TO BE CONTINUED

NY, NY - Help me Please! Like many people, I eat well ALL day and then at night a crazy Tasmanian Devil takes over my mind and body and causes me to ravenously eat everything in sight. It's like sleepwalking - but it's eating (not walking) and I'm awake...hmmm.  

Stop the Cravings

Is there a way to stop craving food at night? A miracle cure? A tried-and-true ritual passed down by your skinny Audrey Hepburn-esque granny - like baby oil after a shower or lemon in luke warm water when you first wake up?

I just want something to CUT my CRAVING to EAT. I crave sweets, salt, mama's cooking. And I crave it at the WORST TIME - at NIGHT. 
Any suggestions yet? 

I feel that I'm doing everything else perfectly - but then when the clock strikes 11 pm and I've put my daughter to bed it's mommy's time to pig out. 

I've also noticed another interesting point: the reasons that I eat are kind of screwed up. 
I eat because:
  • I'm bored
  • I like the taste
  • It's time to eat
In reality, you're supposed to eat because you're hungry - period. end. stop. You're supposed to consume healthy foods because they're good for you - but in order for that to work you have to be hungry in the first place

Being HUNGRY is the ONLY reason we should eat. Not because kids are starving in Somalia (though it is terrible and sad). Not because you paid $17.99 for Shrimp Marinara that kind of sucks and you don't want to waste it. Not because M&Ms are being passed around and you like the taste. No! Only because you are hungry. 

So, now I'm on a healthy road to figuring out why I'm eating this way and how on earth I can stop this 32-year-long bad habit.


Please help me! Send your suggestions. If you want to commiserate, my ears and heart are always open to you. Until then, lets find a Supplement that Cures Cravings and see how it works. 
To get in touch with me, email KathKlahn@gmail.com. 
Or write me at PO Box 804 Bayport NY 11705 
If you have a product that helped you with cravings, please let me know what it is and I'll be sure to at least give it a good try. 
Thank you! XOXOXOXOX Stay Fit and Healthy.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Aromatherapy is the New Perfume

Bayport, NY - I'm very excited! My friend Kally and I are in the VERY early stages of developing a line of mists, lotions and soaps made with real, natural products. 

It seems that until recently - real, natural products haven't been sold in America. I've come from more of the "Irish Spring" Generation of the 1980's when everyone was "Zestfully Clean". 

Me and Kally are makeup girls - we love playing around with scents and seeing what we get. Beyond our desire to create natural products, Kally and I are both perfume junkies. I'm not afraid to admit it - I love perfume. I've always had a love affair with scents. Chanel, Prada, Tokyo Milk, Burberry, Estee Lauder, Yves San Laurent - you name it. 

Too much money on Low Quality Products 

But so many of the perfumes we buy NAME BRAND for TOP DOLLAR and expect TOP QUALITY along with it. Nowadays - this isn't always so. 

In the book Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster by Dana Thomas who is a famous fashion reporter in Paris, France digs deep into the big fashion houses and how they cut corners with fabric, factories, labor and even the OILS, Flowers and scents for perfume. 

But, how could this be? According to Thomas Chanel is one of the last fashion houses to buy top-end flowers for their perfumes. They buy from GRASSE, FRANCE

Grasse, France

When I was in my early 20s I went to visit my best friend Ian White in London, England. He took me on a two day excursion to Grasse, France. I knew nothing about Grasse or even the perfume world at the time. 

Grasse is considered the Capital of Perfume for the World -  to me, that's a heavy hat to hold. The specially selected Grasse employees who are trained to live and work in Grasse as "noses" can distinguish between more than 2,000 different kinds of scent.Once they have apprenticed, they will begin developing fragrances for Grasse and for International Fragrances and Flavors (IFF).

Also important facts about Grasse

  • Grasse produces over two-thirds of France's natural aromas - that will flavor food and scent.
  • The perfume industry earns a highly debated amount of money per year. Some say more than 600 million euros a year.
  • Grasse's warm climate and proximity inland and away from the sea air make it a perfect are for the flower farming industry. 

Now Grasse, France is selling to Aromatherapy Companies who Recognize the Need to be authentic

Aromatherapy Takes Over 

Aromatherapy has seemed to take over where perfume once was and there are so many places to choose from: Do Terra, Aura Cacia, Young Living- just to name a few. Some small companies even bottle the oils themselves but I'm told this isn't always the best method because then we can't tell if the product can be used on our bodies or not. 

60,000 roses to produce 1 ounce of oil

My favorite of all the aromatherapy scents is rose...and yet, I've probably never smelled a real rose because it would be far to expensive. My goal is to afford a small bottle and create great perfumes with Rose one day. Until then, here is this fact. 

  1. According to Aura Cacia, a leader in essential oils "It takes about 60,000 roses to produce just 1 ounce of oil, and ten thousand pounds of rose blossoms to produce 1 pound of oil. The extraction of rose absolute with chemical solvents is more efficient than the steam distillation of the essential oil."

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ignite Sexual Desire with Ancient Incan Superfood: Maca

Andes Mountains, Peru 

Maca Root is known as a "superfood" because it has a host of benefits. The most interesting and alluring of these benefits is that Peruvian Maca enhances the libido and creates sexual desire and energy to those who take the correct dosage. 

Maca was discovered by the Ancient Incans and is packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals - making it a truly "super-food".  It's good for you in so many different ways. 

After consuming Maca (Check back later this week for my "Vanilla and Maca Lust Smoothie") you will immediately feel another of it's benefits - Energy. Your Mood, Energy and Stamina will be effected just the way you feel a buzz from a glass of wine or a cup of coffee - except its all natural and without side effects such as a hangover or depressed mood. 

Mood Enhancer
In fact, one of the reasons I began taking Maca was because it is a proven MOOD ENHANCER. Though, dosage matters. The first time I took Maca I took 2 TABLESPOONS and it didn't agree with my body. Then, I took a smaller amount - only 1 TEASPOON. The effects were amazing. I immediately felt the positive effects and each time I've made my Maca Super-Smoothie I feel that same lovely WOOSH of delight.  

Skin Brighter 
Also, the biggest change I've seen in Maca-use for me has been in my skin. Since using Maca, my skin is Brighter, my cheeks are more flush and red (naturally - without makeup) and my pimples and wrinkles have smoothed out into a nearly clear complexion. 

With all of the blood-flowing in your mind with new energy and a surge of stamina - you may experience a true surge in Creativity. 

So what should you expect when you taste, touch, smell Maca?
Maca Root is from the raddish family and is normally consumed as a powder that you can put into foods, smoothies and shakes. This adds a level of nutritional value  your're not going to drink a Maca Smoothie with NOTHING ELSE IN It. Trust me, it wouldn't taste too good. The root is grown in the Andes Mountains in Peru - which I love because it's stayed so close to it's roots. 

Check back for my recipe and I can't wait to hear about your SURGING LIBIDOS!!!


Thursday, August 13, 2015

How to do a cleansing Moon bath for your CRYSTALS with the FULL MOON Sept 28 - Moon Cycle Begins TONIGHT

Bayport Beach, NY - September 28 is a Full Moon and a lunar eclipse, which is a great time to bring out all of your CRYSTALS and GEMSTONES and give them a good recharge. During the New Moon cycyle tonight we can figure out the Best Ways to approach cleansing our Stones for a Full Moon Bath. There are many different ways to do this - some people just suggest to put the Stones outside during a Full Moon and they will refresh themselves by the time you wake up.
I have a more detailed formula for cleansing my Stones during a Full Moon and I'm going to list for you what I do, but first I want to let you know the benefit of doing things this way. 
I have found that cleansing or recharging my Stones in this way has led to a better connection between me and my stones (as crazy as that sounds) AND a better connection between the Stones and their ancient purpose. 

1) Choose a GREAT LOCATION - First of all, I will be traveling to Bayport Beach to perform my Moon Bath. This is because the beach is a calming place for me and because the beach has a full sky that will allow my Stones direct access to the Moon. Some say that this is not necessary. People say that the Moon doesn't need to beat directly on the Stones - but I prefer for my Stones to soak up that energy and for me to see it.

2) WRITE OUT an intention and RECITE IT - Come up with a little prayer to say to your Stones and then Recite it after you've set the Stones out. My Intention will sound something like this, "Magic Healing Crystals Soak up the Healing Energy of the Moon and Magnetize yourself back to ME"

3) Put the Stones in a Bath with Herbs - Some say to SMUDGE Sage (which is to burn Sage - it clears and cleans the area). I agree with this. I like to Smudge Sage while I am setting my intention AND also put out another herb (usually Rosemary. To make an Herb Bath for the Moon Bath I will take out a small bowl and fill it with luke warm water. Put the Stones in the Herb Bath and allow them to Truly Soak in a MOON BATH! 

4) Lastly, make sure you are in a positive Spirit; make sure the people with you (if you'be invited anyone) have good, positive Light. Because I'll be at the beach I'll bring a blanket with me. Relax and Feel Positive Energy the next day. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015



NY, NY - If you're feeling sluggish there's nothing I would suggest more than to a salad - 4 to 6 times a day. If that seems unrealistic or boring you CAN get your veggies in ONE PLACE. Greens are being made by a bunch of companies nowadays. I happen to LOVE Phountain's Green Phactor which takes all of the best vegetables and puts them in one place so that you can actually drink it and get ALL of the energy that you would eating 4 to 6 salads a day. Blue Bonnet (the vitamin company) also makes a good one - it has kale, spinach and all of the vitamins to go along with it. 
I happen to LIKE the taste of greens (people warned me it would happen; its like wine, its an acquired taste) - However, I've also made a recipe that will make it so that y'all who haven't acquired the taste can drink this stuff instead of coffee (that's right) WITHOUT HOLDING YOUR NOSE!
Not to mention - this combination is a super METABOLISM booster. I'm so happy because loosing the weight that I've lost so far has been like lifting concrete blocks from my shoulders - there's so much more that I can do as far as excersize, yoga - literally things I couldn't do in High School like carwheels. I LOVE this stuff. 
So these are three ingredients - get yourself some greens, macha root and cinnamon. Combine a table spoon of macha and greens (again, I suggest Phountain's Green Phactor) and a teaspoon of cinnamon and shake it up with alkaline water (this you need from Phountain) and ENJOY weight loss, more energy and the HAPPINESS of having both. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Easy Ways to get assertive

NY, NY -Assertiveness is literally finding a way to effectively communicate what we as humans need. When people do this correctly and effectively they are assertive.
On the other hand, when people are flawed and inaccurate at asking for what they want - they are "pushovers." Don't be a pushover! Here's how:
1) Eye contact - Look you mark in the eye. When you want to voice your opinion and be heard your EYES can actually do much of the talking. Practice sincerity, delight and seriousness in the mirror and on the other hand, know what creepy eye contact looks like.
2) Tonality - the tone of your voice will convey your seriousness. Be firm but kind - you can also do this by changing the words you use with the tone of your voice. For example, don't ask for direction - let the other person know the deal and then ask if they've accepted your terms.
3) Your posture has alot to do with how assertive others perceive you as. Perk up! Take a yoga class. Sit up straight and at attention.
4) Make a quick decision. Most things don't need hours of thought to decide. When you get an e-mail write back quickly. Answer people directly and in THAT moment. People love to take orders from people who know EXACTLY what to do. Practice quick decision making by going through a fashion magazine, pretend that you can get one thing on EVERY page sent to you in the mail. Rapid fire decide what thing you want on each page. Decision making will become easier when you familiarize yourself with EXACTLY what you want.
5) Stick with your decision. Don't look wishy-washy by constantly changing your mind, changing your career path, changing your spouse, changing your cloths ten times a day. Instead stick with the decisions you've made and get to understand them.
6) Know when to bail on your decision. This seems quite opposite of the entry above but in addition to understanding when you need to make a quick decision and stick with it, you should also know when its time to move forward with your career, dump a spouse, change your dirty cloths.
7) Assess the situation. Take a moment to figure whats going. You may think you need to react immediately but that may only make you look less assertive. The more you practice rapid fire decision making the easier it will get to asses the situation in a timely manner. If you take a moment to breath everything in you will actually look alot like your dad when he was deciding what the hell he was going to yell at you for first: all the D's on your report card or the In School Suspension slip in your mailbox. Did you want to screw with dad when he looked like that? Didn't think so.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Bayport, NY - This is a Super DUPER Energy Drink. In fact, I've found that its as potent as coffee. That's why me, a lifelong coffee drinker and caffeine addict, has switched to this Super Energy Drink formula.
Find these ingredients in health food stores. Zip up this drink in your nutribullet for an early morning pick me up in lieu of coffee and breakfast (because this shake is full of nutrients).
Much of this is based of the Phountain Lifestyle, which has brought products like Alkaline Water to the mainstream.

In a blender mix the following ingredients:

  • Alkaline Water - fill water in after all the other ingredients are in the cup 
  • 1 scoop Superfactor (Superfactor can be bought at Phountain.  Superfactor is packed with vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin A, K, C and B12 - that are great for you. Just read the back list and you'll be amazed - plus it tastes great)
  • 1 frozen banana - full of potassium. Putting it in the freezer will make this beverage COLD and YUMMY; chop it up before freezing so its easier to blend. it acts as ice cubes in the drink.
  • 1 teaspoon Maca Powder. MORE ON MACA to FOLLOW SOON Some say to use moreMaca Powder - some say less is more effective. I happen to believe that less is better when it comes to Maca - the Incan super food that brings energy and vitality to all who drink it. Its a product of the radish family so it has a rather interesting flavor that takes some getting used to.
  • A drizzle of coconut oil - so good for the inside and outside of the body,Plus it tastes so YUMMY - it makes everything into YUM! 
  • 1 scoop dry peanut butter - peanut butter makes everything better. But this peanut butter has tons of less fat because most of the fat was removed when it was freeze dried. Delish too!
  • Lastly a sprinkle of cinnamon and a sprinkle of salt.

There you have it! Enjoy your super power drink and let me know what you think. More recipes to follow!